What is the check-in & check-out time at Cambria Hotel West Orange?3:00PM Check in | 11:00AM Check out
Is free parking available at Cambria Hotel West Orange?Yes, complimentary parking on property.
Is there a pool at Cambria Hotel West Orange?Yes, we have a heated indoor pool on the property. The current pool hours are 9 am to 9pm
Does Cambria Hotel West Orange have room service?We do not have room service.
Are pets allowed at Cambria Hotel West Orange?We allow service animals- a $150.00 cleaning fee associated.
Do Cambria Hotel West Orange have a refrigerator?We do have a refrigerator and microwave inside every room.
What is the hotel number of Cambria Hotel West Orange?862-233-4980
What are the cleanliness and hygiene measures currently in place at Cambria Hotel West Orange?Hand sanitizing stations placed throughout the hotel. Housekeeping cleaning is currently based upon request.
Is there a security deposit at Cambria Hotel West Orange?Yes, a $150.00 fee. Should have a credit or debit card for it. No Cash
Can I cancel my reservation for free at Cambria Hotel West Orange and receive a full refund?All prepaid reservations will not be refunded based on the cancellation policy. 24 hour cancellation available for standard reservations.
What is the smoking policy at Cambria Hotel West Orange?100% non-smoking hotel. If found smoking in-room guest is charged $250
How far is Turtleback Zoo from Cambria Hotel West Orange?2.8 Miles away.
How far is Thomas Edison National Historical Park from Cambria Hotel West Orange?1.3 Miles away
How far is Eagle Rock Reservation from Cambria Hotel West Orange?1.4 Miles away.
How far is New York City from Cambria Hotel West Orange?14 miles away from hotel.
How far is Seton Hall University from Cambria Hotel West Orange?4.8 Miles
How to reach Cambria Hotel West Orange from Airport? Is there a shuttle bus I can take?Local NJ transit bus stop is located across the street from the hotel.
Will I need to rent a car or the nearby attractions are within walking distance? Is there shuttle transportation 24/7?Hotel currently does not have a shuttle. Local restaurants and shopping center located within walking distance.
Do Cambria Hotel West Orange have restaurant/bar?Yes, We do have.
How late does the bar stay open till?Sunday -Wednesday 6pm-10pm Thursday- Saturday 5pm-11pm
Is free breakfast included at Cambria Hotel West Orange?No, but we have packages that can be booked for breakfast. Breakfast Time: Monday-Friday 6am -10am Weekends -7am-11am
Does Cambria West Orange offer laundry services?Yes. Cambria West Orange offers dry cleaning and laundry services to its guests.
Does Cambria West Orange have a gym? What time does the gym close?Yes, Cambria West Orange has a gym, and it is available 24 hours a day for guests.